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Center Point Assembly is a member of the Assembly of God Fellowship.  We fully embrace the 16 Fundamental Truths and emphasize a full-gospel ministry environment.  We encourage all believers to seek God through power of the Holy Spirit and strive to live a life of placing and maintaining Jesus at the Center Point of our lives, personally and corporately.


A NEW NAME - Center Point Assembly

The church has been called Charlevoix Assembly of God since its inception in 1947.  It was re-located in 1977-78 to its current location on Hwy 66 just South of Charlevoix.  In 2017 we celebrated our 65th anniversary and 35th year in this locale.

In the fall of 2012, our church was renamed to "Center Point Assembly".  As this church has grown through the years and undergone changes, God has given a renewed challenge and along with that a new name.  As “Charlevoix Assembly of God” is re-named to “Center Point Assembly” it brings a renewed challenge for  all to place Jesus at the “center point” of our lives and to keep Him there on a daily basis.

The church is not intended to be a place for perfect people.  Even Jesus said it’s not the healthy who need a physician but the sick.  Likewise, a church that is following the life of Christ welcomes all those who are hurting and needy to come and let the love, mercy and grace of God restore their hurts and needs.  

How do we do that?

We worship and glorify Jesus with our entire being, and then we preach a Bible-centered message encouraging all to seek God’s Word as their source of direction in life.  We believe in the inspiration of God’s Word and that all the gifts of the Spirit are alive and functional in the church today.  We believe in healing of the body, mind and soul meaning that Jesus truly is concerned about the whole man today and for all eternity.

What's the significance of our logo?


  It's all about Christ being the "Center Point"
Our basis is all about the CROSS and the perfect life of Christ and His willingness to lay it down for us.   The cross signifies the death and resurrection of Jesus and the sacrifice that he willingly became so that we can have a saving and regenerating relationship with God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

The SMALL CIRCLE in the center of the cross is the perfectly centered life of Christ both on the cross and in our lives.  Christ's perfect life and his willingness to suffer and die unjustifiably uniquely qualifies Him to be our sin payment. His love and His sacrifice gives us hope for eternal life as we accept Him as our Lord & Savior.  Jesus is our "Center Point" and everything revolves Him.
The LARGER CIRCLE represents our life circle.   We place Jesus at the Center Point of our life by taking up our cross and choosing to follow Him daily.   This offers a fullness of His love that helps us to spread the gospel to those around us.

The vertical and horizontal CROSS MEMBERS of the cross are in the forms of arrows that signify directional headings.  As Christ is properly centered on the cross and in our life, our vertical relationship with God is properly lined up.  We have direct access to the throne room of heaven where God is seated on the throne and Jesus is at His right hand making intercession for us. As we maintain this vertical relationship, the horizontal cross members are pointing to all those around us that we are charged to win and disciple for Christ.  Now we can effectively reach out in the Love of God to all those that we come into contact with on a daily basis.

The Holy Spirit is represented by our FILLED IN LIFE CIRCLE as He Baptizes us in the Power of His anointing.  This Holy Spirit power drives everything in our life and in our ability to live and do the impossible.  What is impossible with man, the Holy Spirit gives the power to do.  As the Holy Spirit fills our life that is centered on Jesus, we will have the ability to live a life of love proven through godly obedience allowing us to be “Heavenly Effective through Earthly Relevance”…
LET'S TALK: 231.547.6430 Church Office                                         810.599.4998 Pastor Mike Cell 

​Church Address: 05291 M-66 N  ------<>----- PO Box 527  ------<>-----  Charlevoix, MI 49720  ------<>----- Fax Number 231 547-4760

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